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Monthly Archives: May 2014
Knowledge Evaluation System 2.0 Released
The YourLabs team is happy to announce the next version of the KnowledgeEvaluation System. Based on your feedback, we’ve implemented some exciting new and enhanced features!
1. Improved layout and navigation. We’ve improved the layout and colors of the dashboard, we’ve consolidated our navigation, and we’ve streamlined the setup process to get you to where you need to be faster.
2. Equation editing. This was our most requested feature and we’ve delivered. Easily add equations to your questions using ASCIIMath (a natural way of inputting mathematical expressions) and get a live preview as you type. You can even add equations as answers.
3. Embed (almost) anything. Embed external content like YouTube videos, Kahn Academy lessons, Wikipedia images, etc. into your question by simply copying and pasting a link or URL into your question – no need to add these as assets anymore.
4. Rich editor. We’ve added a rich editor toolbar to the question creator so you can have more control over the formatting of your question content.
5. Improved search. We reworked our search to make it much easier to navigate and copy questions to your assignments. We’ve also expanded search to standards and feedback widgets in the question creator.
6. International support. We’ve added multi-language support so that users can register and use KES from anywhere in the world.
7. Time zone support. Set time zones for yourself, your institution, classroom, and students to support distance learners and remote classrooms.
8. Better student management. Add individual students to your classroom and manually reset student passwords.
9. Instructor invites. Invite other instructors or teaching assistants to your classroom to help creator questions, manage a classroom, or analyze data.
10. Help videos. We’ve started a YouTube channel with some getting started videos. We’ll add more over time.
YourLabs Talks About Disruptive Paradigms in Education
YourLabs had the honor of being a speaker at the 2014 Engineering Dean’s Institute. YourLabs was part of a panel of 3 other passionate professors and university presidents to speak about disruptive paradigms in education. More details later.
What it Takes to Start a Company in Today’s World
YourLabs’ CEO was interviewed for the Arizona Sonora News Service of the UA School of Journalism about the challenges of starting a company. Check out the video below and the full article at: